Praise Report
The impact of the church in my life!
I've been a member of our ministry for many years and I have been through many spiritual, physical and emotional changes. The church has helped and supported me to find direction, to express faith in God in all aspects of my life, to grow into a strong, confident woman and mother, and most of all, to help others with the knowledge and understanding I have gained from all that I've been taught from the many teachings and the examples of my Pastors. I now live with a purpose and each and every day I grow stronger in the word and closer to God my provider; my security, my strength and the lover of my soul. By the grace of God, I would never deny or turn my back on Him after all I have learned at El Shaddai. We are a family through thick and thin and we stick together holding up each other as we face the challenges of life.”
A Glorious Transition
Two years ago I made the decision to move back to New York and leave the warm, sandy beaches of Florida behind. I never would have thought that as sad as I was, this would be the best decision not only for my mental health, but for my spiritual life as well. I have to say that I was divinely led to El Shaddai Ministry when I decided to surprise my brother at his baptism. I had no idea that God was ready to take my life in a different direction. The decision to answer God's call and get baptized on that day along with my brother and son, is a decision that I will NEVER regret. My life has changed so much and I am grateful to God, Pastor Charles, Pastor Sherry and my entire El Shaddai family for the love and support that they continue to show me as I become stronger and stronger in the Lord. Since becoming a member of this ministry God has blessed me with a job that suits my school schedule, a drastic improvement in my financial situation, my husband is now saved and I am much happier and more at peace in every area of my life. I have decided to follow Jesus and with the wisdom, love and understanding that I am gaining with my new found family at El Shaddai, I know there is no turning back. To God be the glory!”
I'm grateful for El Shaddai Ministry
There are so many things I can say about the impact of El Shaddai ministry upon my life. I can truly say that I have grown spiritually into a better person and with the help of my pastors, I am still learning that I have to depend on God. I take comfort in knowing that I am never alone and there is always someone who is there to pray for me and encourage me whenever situations arise. Being a member of my church, I was taught that God should always be the center of my life. I was only existing before I came into contact with God, so I thank God for placing caring and loving pastors in El Shaddai Ministry. For any one reading this, I encourage you to never give up on God because he promised never to leave or forsake us.”
The Prayer Answering God
For those who are really believing God for something, I'm here to tell you that God is a prayer answering God. There is nothing too hard for God to do. John 15:7: “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. , I just wanted to share how God is a Prayer Answering God. He is faithful and his word will never return unto him void. I have been a part of El Shaddai Ministry for a while; and throughout those time,s I have seen the Power of Prayers in the lives of the People. While I was in college, I began to attend El Shaddai Ministry. My educational Goal was to become at teacher, but one of the requirements was to acquire a Masters degree if you did not receive it, you will be terminated . Getting a masters degree in College is very expensive and God knows I did not have the funds. One morning I prayed and said "Lord, I know that you would finish what you started in me; you know my hearts' desire to become a teacher and I need a Masters Degree. I don't know how you will do it Lord but I know you you are able.. There is nothing too hard for you to do. Lord you said if I have faith believing then you will answer my prayers. I am believing you for funds, or a program that will allow me to receive a masters for free. That same day, I went to City to College to seek programs, At that instant I got out the train station, my principal called me on my cell phone (which principal calls a teacher on their cell phone?) and said "Ms. Boris, I know you need to get your masters to receive your professional certification to keep your job right?" I said "Yes" , I'm actually at City College right now to seek a program.. he Said "listen , Lehman college called me and are looking for teachers to join their TEASP program that enables teachers to receive a FREE Masters Degree in Middle school Education; would you like to join?" I replied Yesssss!!! I was in such AWE of GOD that He answered my prayer soo quickly. I began to dance. Later that year, I joined the program and at the end of 3 years, I completed my Masters Degree in Middle school science education. Today, I am still a teacher. All the honor and Glory to the Most High God. who is my JEHOVAH-JIREH My PRAYER ANSWERING GOD. He had mercy and grace upon me and blessed me; and I'm forever grateful.”
Loving Jesus!!!
All the Glory and Honor to God!!!! What the Good Lord Jesus God Almighty is doing in El Shaddai Ministry is sooooo amazing!!!! God has spoken through the man and woman of God: Pastors Hannays and Sherry Charles. The holy spirit use Pastor Charles on O7/23/17 to minister to so many of us personally and to the whole church. That same holy spirit that abides in them is leading them and the church to a place where we all ought to want to be. Anyone including myself who what's a piece of it jump on aboard cause the train is moving, Amen!!!!! Revelation 2:7 He that hath ear, let them hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches: to them that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Thank you sweet Holy Spirit.”
Sister Carline
I want to thank God and my Savior for helping me realize I cannot reconcile relationship with a person who has a drug problem or to help them. I found out that person is still an addict and I am hurting myself expecting that they will get better, that we can be together or I matter to them. After 3 years of agony and praying for everything, now I can only pray for addict’s healing and to move on finding my own happiness. I feel like God gave me closure and wings. Amen”
Vlado A
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