Church Declaration
El-Shaddai Ministry is a great church, with a great people, having a great vision, doing great things through a great God. We therefore understand our purpose, mission, and our goal in the Kingdom of God. From this day on we will not allow circumstances to move us; not disease, poverty, depression, disobedience or unfaithfulness. We are a holy people created in the image and glory of God to display his awesome powers. And, today we declare to the nations that we are holy, faithful, obedient, anointed, and called by God to execute the sound doctrine of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah 3x
Vision Statement
El-Shaddai Ministry exists to provide to our community, both spiritually and physically; following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. We declare the sound doctrine of Jesus Christ with preaching, teaching, and outreach ministries.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to save the lost, feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and comfort the wounded by bringing hope of a better life through Salvation.